Saturday, 24 January 2009

A wise person once said that the best way to make god laugh was to tell him your plans. I'm a planner and a dreamer so I hope that doesn't hold true.

After this year of university I plan to walk away with my degree into a job. Not sure what job yet, I'm not even sure it matters all that much. I just want employment and to get into the routine of work and home. Then I plan to set aside the majority of my time at home to finish all the things I want to, draw more, write the stories in my head.

Now when I get a spare moment I go over my notes or dip into a course book. I find them interesting, sure, but I miss my other hobbys. I want my shelves to be lined with dog eared anatomy and fiction books again. I want to be mapping out plot sequences and fleshing out charaters again.

My plan after university and getting a job is to write the book I've been playing with for the past year. I won't make any solid plans later than that, just finishing university seems a difficult enough task.

I finished the essay, and am currently analysing my data for my dissertation, its due in the end of april. I can't begin to quantify how relived I'll feel after its finished and handed in, I've half a mind to declare it the new christmas.

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